Thursday, February 26, 2009

I give up

Sooo..I want a 3 column blog, and blogspot does NOT roll those out anymore. At all! Sooo I was browing the net yesterday and found a way to do that with a standard layout. So I'm in the process of doing that. I tried to convert this one and it was just a nightmare. The worst nightmare ever! So today I will be working on starting a different blog, with the layout I want.

Updates to follow...wish me

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I can't wait to quit my day job..seriously!

Sooo...The morning was going so well. I discovered that I'm in love with Starbucks, white chocolate mocha plus caramel. And yes! It's completely fat free, no added sugar or anything! maybe that's not true, but don't judge me! lol. But moving on...I was on my 30 minute lunch break. Shocked? Me too! We only get 30 minutes for lunch now! Do you know how hard it is to scarf down piping hot food without burning your tongue? Very hard, let me tell you. But again, I'm being random. But I digress. lol. Sooo I have an interview and training scheduled for a new job, and I'd been pondering on what to do. I'd love to have more time to put into my business and other ventures that I'm working on. Plus, the new job would start me off at the exact amount that I'd make with the raise at my current job So I was thinking to myself, "Hey, it's almost time to get said raise!" (For privacy purposes we'll just say I'm a worker bee at Underpaid and Overworked Inc.) So I asked my boss about the EXACT date that the raise was coming up. She replied, "Oh you haven't heard! Corporate has frozen ALL raises for everyone involved with the company" *dead silence* *crickets* I even thought I saw a tumbleweed blow past me. Seriously. So I guess that's my answer, huh? Take the new job? *sigh* This recession is insane! Freezing raises?!?! Do you know how hard is to even get an INTERVIEW for a job? The whole WORLD is looking for a job! So I guess that's my answer, huh? Well..take the new job it is. Okay, maybe tomorrow I'll write about something crafty..right now I need to draft up a nastygram for corporate. Where's my selection of evil smileys? Grrrrrr.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sooo Sleepy...and oh yeah..thread bracelets!

I did a massive deep clean this weekend. I'm talking about dusting, throwing away junk, sorting through old papers. I actually had a BOX full of empty hangers. My closet looks like I just added on to it! does for now. But when I move in the rest of my handbags and purses I'm sure that will be out the door.

My body hurts from said spring cleaning. This is why there are Merry maids people. Every time I sit down or stand up, my body hurts. Not fake hurt, excruciating, I've been on an eliptical for days, type hurt.

I also made thread bracelets to put in the shop, this should become a collection of sorts. Take a peek!
Those pictures are soooo not where I wanted them. *sigh* *yawn* But that will have to do for tonight. G'nite lovelies!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bad News Bears...

Sooo...Life is still kind of up and down for me. But..what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. In other news, I received my banner, and avatar for my Etsy shop Go check it out! I'm getting it resized to fit the banner here. So no more plain old Times New Roman Letters. Yuck! lol.

Let's see..what else is in the works...Oh! We're still waiting to see if our Taste of Addison application willbe approved so we can sell there. We're also thinking of applying to Funky Finds...and I'm getting my business card design finished this week! Yayyyy!

I think my dad would be soo proud of me. I cried a bit today because I was thinking about him. He was so creative, he taught me everything I know about arts and creativity. *sigh* I hope he's drawing something in heaven right now. My logo design is a picture of us holding that's where the idea came from. Ok..gotta go..before I cry again. Toodles kids!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

*sigh* I'm having a bad week..seriously.

*sigh* We won't even get into details..but just know that this week has been frought to you by the letters "D", "A", "M"..well you get the jist of it. But..It's too much to type and cry on my blanket over. *sigh* I'm doing a lof of sighing lately.

The good news for today, is that my logo, and banner, etc is finished! I'll be uploading soon!

I wanted to share this quote from Deepak Chopra. I received it on my phone today via Twitter since I'm a follower. Guess what? He follows me back! And don't say he follows everyone, just let me feel special! lol. *ahem* And the quote reads:

"Accept what comes to you totally and completely so that you can appreciate it, learn from it, and let it go."
And that my friends is exactly what I needed to hear for today. Sidenote: the girl next to me is eating Chinese at her desk...and it smells like old pork mixed with burnt popcorn. *vomit, gag, faint*
Deepak also says you should meditate 30 minutes a day. I need to start doing that. I wonder if my job will approve an added break for that...hmmmm

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Single Awareness Day..

Sooo..I'm having a "down with love" day...Not much to report..but I received the best valentine ever~ I was featured on a blog! Go check it out here: Brickhouse: The Multicultural Fashion and Beauty Blog for Curvy Girls

There..look closely! My peacock feather headband! GASP...SHOCK...AWE! More to come tomorrow! My frown just turned upside down! you have to click the picture to see it better. Be patient, I'm learning how to copy screen shots! lol

Friday, February 13, 2009

SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST! started off super crappy. Like...I woke up and someone immediately peed in my Cheerios. Well..maybe my Trix or Frosted Flakes, because that's my cereal of choice. So I've been sitting here at work, doing all kinds of business stuff. Because that's exactly what you do when you dream of crafting full time, make the most of your time while you're a worker bee. *sly smile* Anyway, so I get to work, and I get a message on Etsy, that someone wants one of my necklaces veeeery badly! I was stoked. That kind of stuff really turns my day around. Then....wait for iiiitttttt..She says She wants me to make the jewelry for her bridesmaids, and the gifts for her mom and mom-in-law to be. <--Yes that's absolutely the way to say that! My day just got 10 times better! It's time for this sly little worker bee to head home. I'm helping (not assisting, cause I'm not a worker bee after work!) my business partner style jewelry backstage at a fashion show. This should be fun! This just in: My sister has requested that I help my neice make a sign for the Girl Scouts to hold up. Ya know what I mean? When the girl scouts are on the corner slanging cookies like heroin and they're trying to get you to pull over. Yeah..they want THAT type of sign. lol.. Why does the world expect us crafty people to make miracles happen within seconds? Tell me why? Because we're good at it that's why. Oh well..I turned it down, she needs it for tomorrow, and I already have a previous engagement. Don't judge me. They're girl scouts! Shouldn't they already have a "Plan Ahead" badge or something?!?! Geeesh. Over and Out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today's gonna be good..or weird..haven't decided yet

So I've been browsing around looking for amaaaazing blogs to follow. I don't want ordinary, folks, I want pedal to the medal mojo! And I saw a link on Twitter. Do you twitter? If you don't, please start right away. Get caught up in the cult just like the rest of us. It's like facebook or myspace minus all the headaches and pokes. *rubbing my arm* Anywho..I made my way over to The Benner Daily who has a beautiful blog, by the way. It's complete with Damask print, and I sooo love a good Damask?Baroque print. *screams* So Jessica of vol.25 is hosting a giveaway that I sooo want in on. She has amazing prints. My favorite being "Happiness is a way of travel not a destination." Check it out here!

Ok...Sadly *tear* I must break away and head to work. *sigh* I can't wait until I can quit my day job...can't wait. *Big kiss, tight hug*

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Allow me to re-introduce myself..

Soo...I'm really going to be devoted to this blog. *crossing fingers* I'm going to try to post almost every day, even if it's just a few words. I promise! Girl scout honor! that that's finished. Lately I'm scrambling around making brand spankin new products for the etsy shop, applying for a 3 day MASSIVE craft fair, all the while trying to maintain my sanity. It's not going so well, the sanity part. Just kidding! I'm also working with an artist on my logo, which I'll then turn into a banner, so my banner here and on etsy should be changing soon. I'm also getting around to the blogs that I follow and love. I'd love to swap links with everyone!
