Tuesday, February 17, 2009

*sigh* I'm having a bad week..seriously.

*sigh* We won't even get into details..but just know that this week has been frought to you by the letters "D", "A", "M"..well you get the jist of it. But..It's too much to type and cry on my blanket over. *sigh* I'm doing a lof of sighing lately.

The good news for today, is that my logo, and banner, etc is finished! Yayy...so I'll be uploading soon!

I wanted to share this quote from Deepak Chopra. I received it on my phone today via Twitter since I'm a follower. Guess what? He follows me back! And don't say he follows everyone, just let me feel special! lol. *ahem* And the quote reads:

"Accept what comes to you totally and completely so that you can appreciate it, learn from it, and let it go."
And that my friends is exactly what I needed to hear for today. Sidenote: the girl next to me is eating Chinese at her desk...and it smells like old pork mixed with burnt popcorn. *vomit, gag, faint*
Deepak also says you should meditate 30 minutes a day. I need to start doing that. I wonder if my job will approve an added break for that...hmmmm


  1. Yea, I've had those days, hope that it is better. (You're taking it better than I would have though, I probably would have seen the bright side...)

  2. Yeah..in time..everything get's better. You just have to roll with the punches. I'm telling oyu, Deepak makes it better..he really does! lol

  3. Wow, that is a great quote!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
