Friday, February 13, 2009

SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST! started off super crappy. Like...I woke up and someone immediately peed in my Cheerios. Well..maybe my Trix or Frosted Flakes, because that's my cereal of choice. So I've been sitting here at work, doing all kinds of business stuff. Because that's exactly what you do when you dream of crafting full time, make the most of your time while you're a worker bee. *sly smile* Anyway, so I get to work, and I get a message on Etsy, that someone wants one of my necklaces veeeery badly! I was stoked. That kind of stuff really turns my day around. Then....wait for iiiitttttt..She says She wants me to make the jewelry for her bridesmaids, and the gifts for her mom and mom-in-law to be. <--Yes that's absolutely the way to say that! My day just got 10 times better! It's time for this sly little worker bee to head home. I'm helping (not assisting, cause I'm not a worker bee after work!) my business partner style jewelry backstage at a fashion show. This should be fun! This just in: My sister has requested that I help my neice make a sign for the Girl Scouts to hold up. Ya know what I mean? When the girl scouts are on the corner slanging cookies like heroin and they're trying to get you to pull over. Yeah..they want THAT type of sign. lol.. Why does the world expect us crafty people to make miracles happen within seconds? Tell me why? Because we're good at it that's why. Oh well..I turned it down, she needs it for tomorrow, and I already have a previous engagement. Don't judge me. They're girl scouts! Shouldn't they already have a "Plan Ahead" badge or something?!?! Geeesh. Over and Out.

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