Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend update

Okay, let's make this quick, as I'm currently in an Old Navy hoodie sweatsuit, and very behind on my weekend to-do-list. Wait? The weekend's over?!?! Already? When did that happen? *sigh* That ALWAYS happens. Smh. Anywho. *shrug*

This blog is just gonna have to do. Until I've moved on and become famous. I keep uploading the templates, and changing the codes, and it's just become a headache. So this stays...until I decide what I want to change the name to. Wait. I just figured something out! Okay, I might change it tonight. Seriously...this is reeeealy starting to make my head hurt. *sigh* More to come!


  1. If you need help let me know..

  2. Girl you are off the chain..yeah I will take you to rehab,no worries...and then when you get there you will say..NO, NO, NO...I wont go go Amy Winehouse..I need a tatoo for my foot. Something small and cute.

  3. Sorry for the delay..let me know how I can help.

  4. Haha. if the weekend ever give you enough time to know that it was even there..before it's gone again.
